In a comment on my last post Captain Black asked what a fake writer was. I wasn't sure what my colleague had meant by that comment but I took a guess. I now have a difinitive answer.
They said that you can sing as long as you like when you're cleaning the house but it doesn't make you a singer. So by that same token unless you are paid for what you write you aren't a writer. Phew! I haven't been paid a lot but I have been paid so I guess I'm not a fake writer afterall.
To my way of thinking, anyone who mocks someone who is following their dream are only jealous they have no dream to follow.
My choice has always been to be very up front about my writing and what I'm trying to achieve. If I'm mocked so be it - the people who mock aren't worth my energy anyway!
Oh, and I'm relieved to know you're not a fake .... and neither am I! :-))
None fakers of the world unite.
I think that you are probably right about those that mock the dreamers amongst us. I don't think that's the reason that I keep my writing secret though because the few people that do know have been very supportive. I think that basically I am a very secretive person.
Or should that be private person?
Often writers are! x
Pak Karamu reading your blogs
But people who sing round the house (guilty as charged!) wouldn't describe themselves as a 'singer.' People who say they write are generally aiming for publication and look on it as more than a hobby.
If someone did tell me they were a singer (she said pedantically) I would take that to mean they either did it professionally, or were at least going to auditions, and I definitely wouldn't describe them as a fake.
So there!
I think that was the point that my sadly soon to be ex colleague was trying to make. A singer is someone who sings professionally and gets paid to do it. She was trying to say that you were only a writer if you did it professionally and got paid for it.
I don't agree with her analogy but she's entitled to her opinion and I respect it.
And please Karen, be as pedantic as you like, it was a great comment.
Welcome to my blog PakKaramu.
We are all writers because we write.
Now if they were to ask me if I was an author I would have to say no, not until my book is published.
Have a great holiday, GBW
That is a great distinction Annie. Thanks.
Have a good weekend.
I am, by that definition, a fake. I suppose that also means that Stephen King spent many of his early years as a fake. Hmm.
Then we are both in good company Captain. like I said I don't agree with my friend's opinion but I respect her right to have it. I don't see me ever being able to earn enough to be a "professional" writer and I think that she would be horrified if she knew that when she was commenting on those other people she was also commenting on me.
Where've you been Captain? Hope you've not been ill.
I'm fine. I've been walking, biking and running up in the Highlands for Easter.
What about eating Easter eggs?
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