I woke up early and decided to come downstairs and have some quiet time reflecting on stuff. Well no, I intended answering a couple of emails but somehow ended up reflecting.
Its now 4 months since I started to submit fiction again and to be honest I haven't done much of it. I sent off 6 things back in the middle of October and nothing since. I haven't heard back about any of the pieces that I sent off but they do say that no news is good news. Not so in this case though methinks.
So not a very auspicious restart to my fiction "career."
Must try harder.
Must also try and go back to sleep for an hour or so or I'll be no use to anyone later.
I hope you hear some good news on your October subs soon, Colette!
Do send more out - if nothing else it's something to take your mind off the ones you're waiting to hear about!
Hi Colette - don't lose heart. I'm finding these days there seems to be more waiting than usual to hear anything regarding submissions. Just keep on writing.. the more you send out, the more chance you have. Build up that stock pile of stories. That's my plan anyway! :-)
Good luck, Colette. And hope you got some more sleep - that always helps!
I love this type of interesting blog very much.
Nice effort. Keep it on with this type of post......
Research Paper Writing
No news it very good news in my experience. At least, if it's Woman's Weekly it is! So here's hoping!
Amanda - so do I.
Patsy - I will - I know that I should.
Diane - sounds like a good plan.
FP - didn't manage to get back to sleep this morning but have had a nap this afternoon so feel human again.
Rechad - thank you.
Frances - Not WW I'm afraid - TLFF and WN.
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