Sunday, 7 June 2009

Almost but not quite

At the beginning of the year one of the things that I wanted to do was to submit "more than 29 pieces of work." Saying 30 seemed too rigid. Well I am happy to report that I have just submitted number 29 so I am almost there but not quite. Of those 29 pieces of work.
1 was accepted (Yay!)
11 were rejected (Boo!)
17 are still out there (Fingers crossed.)
Just wanted to keep you updated.


Bluestocking Mum said...

It will be interesting to see how your ratio improves year on year...
good for you.

I've not been brave enough to submit anything yet. But I'm going to.
Thanks for inspiring.
warm wishes

Colette McCormick said...

You should submit Angel. It's a great feeling when something gets accepted. That rejection thing is horrible but you have to risk that to get accepted.
Good luck

Sheila Norton said...

Well done - I hope those that are still 'out there' bring you some successes! Half the battle is just keeping on sending them out there - new ones as well as turning around the rejections! Good luck.

Colette McCormick said...

Thanks Olivia. I actually enjoy the sending out part it's the getting it back with a hearty no thank you that I hate.

Dave King said...

A lot ofestablished writers would have been pleased with that result early on.

Colette McCormick said...

Considering that I only had 2 pieces accepted last year (well 3 if you count the one that was submitted last year but accepted this year) it's not a bad start.

Anonymous said...

From what I've been told, that's a pretty good ratio. Well done.

Colette McCormick said...

Thanks Captain. It's my best submitting year so far. But it's not all about quantity so I need to be careful.

Annie Wicking said...

Well done on two accounts

Firstly, 29 pieces, clever you I just wish I had your output and well done on get one piece accepted.

Best wishes, my dear friend.

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Well done. You are far more determined than i ever was. Who do you submit to or is it a secret. i do a monthly article for a motorhome mag but am too lazy to do it consistently. Have other things in mind. good luck.

Un Peu Loufoque said...

Blimey that is very impressive!

Colette McCormick said...

Thanks Annie, sad to say that I did have another rejection the other day. Boo!
No secret Ken, just the usual places, Weekly News, Prima. My Weekly etc. My one acceptance this year was with Weekly News.
UPL thanks.
Sexy ?

Annie Wicking said...

I think you might find 'Sexy' is a link to somewhere you might not want to go... I haven't the nerve to check it out for you, GBW ;-(

Colette McCormick said...

That's okay Annie, I didn't have the nerve either.

Anonymous said...

"Sexy" has been spamming almost everyone I know on Blogger.
I recommmend you delete such comments at the earliest opportunity.

Colette McCormick said...

Thanks captain. It has been done.