Tuesday, 25 March 2008


I have been asked from time to time what I write and my standard answer is usually something along the lines of "Whatever I feel like at any given time."
What I mean by that is that I like to write lots of different things. I am not a novelist, or a short story writer or a poet etc etc because I am all of them. However, and I know I'm harping back to something that I've mentioned before, I want to focus more. I have so many things on the go I can't possibly be doing justice to any of them. I was pleased yesterday that I'd submitted 3 short stories but it's ages since I worked on my novel. And surely if I'm going to do that properly I need to concentrate on it. Then there's my topsy project. I really want to put that to bed but that's a personal project. It's all very confusing.
Do I concentrate on short stories in the hope of selling a few and making a name for myself or do I work on my novel which could ultimately, possibly, maybe bring greater rewards if I'm in the right place at the right time and the wind is blowing in the right direction.


Anonymous said...

Oh My God!!!...I Dont Know! I wish I was in your position. Could you do one day short stories, the next novel? or one week one, the next the other??

Anonymous said...

Omg! I dont know! Would Love to be in your position! Could you do one week short stories the next the novel?? or one day 1 the next the other?

Colette McCormick said...

There's an idea. I think that I have to decide what I'm going to do on a given day and stick to it.