Sunday 3 April 2011

Starting Officially

So it is "officially" April which means that the rejig of BTL has "officially" started. When I gave myself a six month deadline it seemed such a long time but I know from bitter experience that it is not anywhere near as long as you think it is. So, I'd best get on with it and not bleat on about it. I have a couple of things that I am committed to writing this morning so I will get on with chapter 2 at some point this afters. Or at least that is the plan unless number 1 Son should turn up showering me with Mother's Day gifts. I'm willing to wager that I'll be rejigging this afternoon.


Bluestocking Mum said...

Good for you. Keep going. Keep going girl!

Hope you you are having a great Mother's Day and got showered with gifts ;)


Karen said...

Being showered with Mother's Day gifts is worth delaying the rejig for!

Paula RC said...

Oh, I have a son like that too. Is it mothering sunday today? because I haven't had a card, chocs or flower, just a pair of trousers with a button which needs replacing. Bless him! At least I know he still needs me at 23. :-)

Colette McCormick said...

BSM - I did have a lovely day thank you with a full nest (for a while.)
Karen - It was delayed but I managed to fit a bit of rejigging in too.
Jarmara - Sons! Who'd have 'em? Me for one and I'm sure you for another.

Flowerpot said...

Glad you had a lovely day Colette - much deserved!

Colette McCormick said...

Thanks FP - we all deserve to be spoiled now and again.

Amanda said...

Hope you got some lovely gifts, Colette. And good look with your novel progess. x

Colette McCormick said...

Thanks Amanda. Have to say that both boys did spectacularly well in the Mother's Day gift department. No progress on the novel since Sunday - the new job is taking up too much time at the moment.

Amanda said...

So pleased the boys did you proud!

(you did know I meant *luck*, of course!) :-O

Colette McCormick said...

That happens to me all the time when my fingers try to go faster than my brain which to be fair isn't difficult.

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Arriving late - sorry - but glad you got your lovely gifts.


Colette McCormick said...

The full nest is always my favourite Suzanne.