Sunday, 13 April 2008

My writing week

I've had a busy writing week this week - well busy for me anyway. I submitted a short story, I submitted a non fiction piece and I entered a couple of competitions. Oh and then there was the story that I sold.
I sometimes get annoyed with myself when I read other blogs and see how much more prolific some of you guys are and I am looking at ways of fitting more writing into my schedule. I read on one blog the other day of someone who has already submitted over 50 things this year. I'll be lucky if I do that in the whole year.
But relatively speaking it was a busy week for me and a good week for me on the writing front.
In fact, I've just realised that I've done myself a dis service. I submitted 2 short stories this week. Go me!!!


Kerry said...

Hey, that sounds amazingly prolific to me! I write and submit 3 stories a month by hook or by crook but rarely any more. 50 submissions by April - that lady is amazing! Good luck with the subs and well done on getting them out there :)

Colette McCormick said...

Cheers Kerry. I love your discipline of getting 3 stories out there each month. I tend to have good months and bad months.

Moondreamer said...

Gonna Be, well done you! For your impressive output (it's all relative!) and for the first hit ... congratulations!

Just popped over (a little late) to let you know it's (unofficially) Blogger Appreciation Day ( coutesy of Darren Rowse at Problogger who started the week with a real feelgood, which I am passing on.

I appreciate you! I love reading your posts, thank you for sharing your experiences with such humour and honesty.

And thank you for the advice re. links! Will look out for that (I promise this one is ok.)

Have a great week!


Kath McGurl said...

I only aim at a couple a month, so you are well up on me. Go, you!!