Sunday, 20 November 2016

What a week.

Its been a week to remember make no mistake.
On Tuesday my book (previously known as BTL) Things I Should Have Said and Done, was published by the lovely people at Accent Press
which made me very happy. I've also been out and about in Blogland and have visited (in no particular order) weheartwriting, My Reading Corner, Swirl and Thread and the first people to invite me over The Guest Room at Wannabeawriter. There was also flowers and lunch out with Mr Mc on Friday and I understand there'll be a champagne breakfast this morning.
It wasn't all good news though. On Wednesday I had a cracked tooth and a warning light on the car on Thursday. Happily both rectified now - so bring on the champagne.


Frances Garrood said...

Congratulations, Coleette, and very good,luck with sales of your novel!

Colette McCormick said...

Thank you Frances, I'm keeping everything crossed.

Patsy said...

Congratulations on the publication!

Colette McCormick said...

Thanks Patsy.