Sunday 27 March 2011

Still no sign

I managed to do both things. I caught up on a bit of sleep and I also did some rijigging. I have now completed chapter 1 (round of applause) and guess what? There's still no sign of G. I have however decided on the perfect place for us to get our first glimpse of him and I believe it will towards the end of chapter 2. I'm thinking that his introduction will be brief and fleeting which of course both mean the same thing but I'm sure you catch my drift as it were. We and MC will see him briefly and maybe at this stage not pay hime too much attention, only later will his importance become apparant. This idea only dawned on me about five minutes ago and I am very excited about it.


Frances Garrood said...

Phew! What a reief! I thought G was going to be written out.

fizzycat said...

Sounds great!

Colette McCormick said...

Frances - Lose G? NEVER!
Fizzycat _ Its certainly better

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Sounds like it's going well.


Colette McCormick said...

I just wish it was going faster Suzanne.