Monday 15 November 2010

Still here

Its been a while since I was here but I just wanted to reassure you all that I am still alive and kicking.
I had a bit of a trauma on Saturday involving losing power, electricians and a "redundant circuit" but luckily for me I went to work after I called the electrician and it was fixed by the time I got home.
On the writing front I have found that since I changed direction away from the short story I have become more focused and I have found a writing discipline that I haven't had before. I am writing every day and that is something that I haven't done before. I fond that I am in a routine now. I find that I'm barely surfing the internet either these days unless it is for research. I couldn't tell you the last time that I went on facebook. Also I am really sorry that I haven't checked out other blogs recently. I'm going to try and get on top of that tomorrow. I would do it today but its almost midnight and I'm thinking that I should go to bed.
Okay so that's it really. Just wanted you to know that I am well and I am really happy with the way things are going at the moment. I could do with more hours in the day though if anyone knows where I could find some.


David said...

Fantastic news that your new direction is giving you the space you needed to get ahead with your writing. As they say a change is as good as a holiday.


Flowerpot said...

Well done you Colette - so pleased you are happy with the way life is going!

Karen said...

Well that's a very good reason for not checking out blogs so I'll forgive you!

Sounds like you've found your niche :o)

Colette McCormick said...

David - I have to say that I am enjoying the change - so far.
FP - Thanks
Karen - I'm off to catch up on a few blogs right now.